Find your rare disease community on RareConnect

RareConnect is a safe and easy to use online platform for rare disease patients and their families to connect with others and to share experiences or knowledge. By doing so, it helps to fight the isolation that people often experience as a result of living with a rare disease. Find your rare disease community.
The RareConnect team is made up of employees from EURORDIS- Rare Diseases Europe and Care4Rare Canada. EURORDIS created RareConnect in 2009 and has staff members dedicated to working on RareConnect and participates in governing bodies and helps to promote the platform. The legal ownership of the platform was transferred to Care4Rare Canada in 2018.

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RareConnect offers its users a unique experience due to the platforms disease specific online communities available in 12 languages.
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- Sign up as individual or as advocacy organisation
- Start a community for a rare disease in partnership with us
- Help us translate people’s stories in any language. Become a volunteer translator!
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- Post your call in the General Discussion community
- Start your own community
- Join the undiagnosed diseases community