EURORDIS Photo Contest 2013: three winners selected from hundreds of entries
The EURORDIS Photo Contest 2013 received over 300 entries from 47 different countries and representing over 120 different rare diseases.
The Contest received hundreds of beautiful images – thank you to all the participants who sent in a photo … and to everybody who took the time to vote for their favourites!
The first prize goes to Katerina from Greece,
who lives with Friedreich ataxia. Katerina is a special needs teacher who lives a very active life. The caption to her photo sums up her approach to living with a rare disease.
Don’t let disability rule your life.
The second-place winning photo depicts Lily and Tristan, twins living in France.
Their photo caption refers to the fact that they are the only known cases of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy with a mutation on the MRPL3 gene.
Unique in the world but not for celebrity.
The third-place winning photo is of Margaretka,
a little Slovakian girl living with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa.
Shaggy but lucky: Butterfly Princess Margaretka Joy is sometimes stronger than the pain. Seven-year-old Meggie has skin as delicate as butterfly wings.
View all the photos submitted to the EURORDIS Photo Contest 2013!
Louise Taylor, Communications and Development Writer, EURORDIS