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National Alliances for Rare Diseases

Find the rare disease national alliance in your country

National alliances federate patient organisations from a wide range of diseases within a particular country.

National rare disease alliances bring together single disease patient groups and therefore represent a high number of patients and present a stronger voice when addressing common issues. Therefore, they:

  • Advocate for all rare disease patients at national level and constitute a powerful
  • Take part in the policy development or decision-making process.
  • Gain political influence and social recognition for rare disease patients and
  • Spread knowledge and increase awareness on rare diseases.

The Council of National Alliances (CNA)

The CNA is the governing body of the European Network of National Alliances, which is made up of representatives of 40 European National Alliances, recognised as such by the EURORDIS Board of Directors. By collaborating on a European level and networking through EURORDIS, national rare disease alliances can:

  • Share information, good practices and experiences.
  • Organise and participate in EU wide advocacy campaigns
  • Achieve significant outcomes through common actions.

CNA Workshops: Presentations and content

Access them here.

CNA Monthly calls: presentation and documents

Access them here.

See the list of National Alliances member of EURORDIS here.

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