EURORDIS conducts survey on rare disease registries

Given the importance of registries and within the perspective of creating a European Platform for Rare Disease Registries, EURORDIS is conducting an online survey to gather patients’ thoughts and expectations about this topic.
Patients, family members and patient representatives are invited to fill out the questionnaire by clicking on the link below. They are encouraged to forward this request to other members of their organisations in order to have a significant and meaningful representation of each disease.
The questionnaire is also available in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Czech, Romanian and Danish.
In accordance with good practice on such data collection, the answers will be anonymous, without it being possible to trace the identity or address of the participants.
The opinion of each patient is essential: the more numerous the answers the more the patients’ voice will be heard.
Have a look at the response counter!
This survey is conducted as part of European Platform for Rare Disease Registries project (EPIRARE). A three-year project co-founded by the European Commission’s DG Health and Consumers within the EU Program of Community Action in the field of Public Health.
Preliminary results of the EURORDIS survey will be presented at the “Rare Disease and Orphan Drug Registries” International Workshop on October 8-9, 2012, organised by EPIRARE at the Italian National Institute of Health in Rome.
For more information, please contact:Monica Ensini |