Are you ready to raise and join your hands in solidarity with rare disease patients and their loved ones all over the world? Find an activity taking place near you! - Skip to content
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February 2013

Are you ready to raise and join your hands in solidarity with rare disease patients and their loved ones all over the world? Find an activity taking place near you!

Rare Disease Day participants raise and join hands!Tomorrow marks the sixth Rare Disease Day and events are already underway to raise awareness and forward policies on behalf of people living with rare diseases all over the world. It is not too late to participate in this important day. We urge you to visit the Rare Disease Day website now and see which activities are taking place where you live. Participants from over 60 countries have posted their initiatives on the Rare Disease Day website.

Don’t forget to take a picture of yourself – alone or with your family, your patient organisation, your colleagues, your neighbours, your schoolmates, your medical caregivers – raising your hands in solidarity for people everywhere living with a rare disease! Send us your favourite photographs and we will add them to the Rare Disease Day photo gallery.

If you can’t participate in a Rare Disease Day event, please take the time to watch this year’s Rare Disease Day video and post it on your patient group’s website or your favourite social media pages as a way of raising awareness for those living with rare diseases and the crucial need for international cooperation to better understand and treat these disorders. Together we can make a difference. Together we can go beyond borders for rare disorders.

Author: Louise Taylor, Communications and Development Writer, EURORDIS

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